Tu Me Manques

You walked into my life

And strode over my feelings


My heart

In every step

Throughout the path

You traversed

My blood marked your way

When you ran back

To the entrance

Fearing I would value you

A little too much

Scared that you would fall in love

A little too much

But Alas ain’t I the little girl?

Who had once sent a prayer up above

“Watch over him, Lord!”

And you struck me down with your words

And your actions so well constructed

And I?

Being the little girl as always

I didn’t even try

To chain you down with the fire of my love

What if it burned you down?

What then would be the remedy?

I didn’t even try

To drag you back

With snarles of seduction

Or little sweet nothings

I didn’t even try

To smoke your cigarette

And kiss your lips

To match your taste

I just watched you

Walking across

A patch of grassland

When you mistook my tears

To be

Mere dew drops

“Dear darling friend of mine

Some day you will find

A star shining bright up in the sky

Beckoning you to love

Not to criticize

Dear darling love of mine

And that day you will realize

That the sparks of success raining down on you

Have already been paid for

With the life of a little girl


Loved you a little too much


Cared about you a little too much


Let herself fall down thirty storeys

In loving memory

In french, instead of I miss you, they say ‘You are missing from me’ or Tu Me Manques. Indicating – you are not just a human being who peoples my world but you are like an organ, you’re an essential, you’re a constant, you’re my foundation.

Tell someone that they are missing from you and tell them now. Don’t let your love go. Because people worth loving are once in a lifetime

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